Kazuma KOIKE

Born in 1980 and lives in Osaka. He spent his childhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and attended a high school in Barcelona, Spain. Graduated from the Department of Sculpture, College of Art at Nihon University. He has produced ceramic sculptures, drawings, and paintings with motifs of ancient gods, pots, big cats, plants, and pineapples. With the theme of “fictional ancient artifacts”, artworks created by mixing images from different places/periods have a unique floating feeling as if they do not belong anywhere. Koike says his interests are “the state where different elements coexist in harmony” or “the processing that changes the purpose and meaning of things”.

Koike has held solo exhibitions at AISHO Tokyo (Tokyo, 2025), The Fridge (New York, 2024), cadet capela (Paris, 2023) and OMURO MUSEUM (Mie, 2021) as well as shows at AISHONANZUKA (Hong Kong) with Jordy Kerwick in 2024 and Djordje Ozbolt in 2023, and with Henrik Godsk at HAGD Contemporary (Denmark) in 2023.


小池 一馬


主な展示に、AISHO Tokyo (東京 2025)、The Fridge(ニューヨーク 2024)、cadet capela(パリ 2023)、私立大室美術館(三重 2021)での個展、AISHONANZUKA(香港)でJordy Kerwickとの2人展(2024)、Djordje Ozboltとの2人展(2023)、HAGD Contemporary(デンマーク)でHenrik Godskとの2人展(2023)がある。